Monday, April 25, 2011

Bella's Surgery

So Justin and I took Bella (our cat) to the vet this morning at 8am. We decided to have her spayed since there are way to many cats here and I do not want to have a litter of kittens on my hands. So we took her in. The vet came in after we were there. She said "I knew you would be on time." LOL So many are not here. Anyways she gave Bella a shot and in less than 30 seconds she was out. Told us to return in 2 hours to get her. We did she was still waking up and as drunk as a sailor from the meds. Paid a total of $50 for everything. Which I would pay again if it meant no kittens. The vet did an amazing job, sutures look great, gave her an I.V of fluids, x-rays, the works. Now we are taking care of her, she is super drunk from the meds still, but doing fine. I have to take her in tomorrow and Wednesday for some antibiotics they put on the wound. All for that one price. I love the prices here in Bolivia.

Bella in the sun after her surgery. No she is not dead. Though it does look that way.

Bella waking up from her surgery.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOL! That 1st picture is hilarious!! I'm glad to hear she survived ;) xoxo

  3. btw.. the 1st comment I deleted because of a typo. I didn't know it would show that I removed it. lol. So just in case you're left wondering.. it was nothing, really! :)
