Thursday, March 24, 2011

What a Month...

Well this month has been going very well service wise. I have now a total of 6 regular studies; 1 coming to the meeting on Sunday, another right next door and says she wants to study more then once a week, one with a young girl in our congregation, one with a lady out in the far country with a monkey, one near her that is super sweet and shy, and my last with a young boy reading the Bible Story book together. Justin has also been doing great this month. He has 5 regular studies. He is now also in charge of taking the service groups out on Thursday morning and Friday night. The moto has really been a great help with us getting to and from studies this month. It is funny because on the dirt roads we go slow enough that I can put my umbrella up to protect us from the sun. Service has been super enjoyable this month. The weather is perfect with few rainy days.

At the beginning of this month I got super sick for a week from eating some cheese from the Market. I forgot to Bleach it and thus got something. Justin took great care of me (it was a good thing I couldn't eat, because he can't cook :)). He bought me meds from the pharmacy for $2.oo for 5 days of pills. It really helped a lot. That week I could not go in service at all so I had to do some letter writing. Since there are no mail boxes here I changed the letter up a little from the Benefit book so that it would be able to be used when I put it in a door. I was able to keep my time going with this.

Well that is really all for now. Oh and I got my new Nikon D3000 this month. Still figuring it out. Good pictures to come. :)


  1. You have to bleach your cheese?? lol

  2. Yeah because the cheese that is sold in the markets are not pasteurized so it contains a lot of bad bacteria. You put it in water with a little bleach and let it sit and it will kill everything. I am def. going to do that next time so I don't get sick again.

  3. I just learned something new... I never heard of bleaching cheese!
